Sapient launched the first part of it’s digital campaign for Coca-Cola’s Happiness Factory 3 last week. The project, one of my lifetime favorites, was truly built on the blood, sweat, tears, ingenuity, and smiles of a lot of people. The site took a very large team of creatives, designers, developers, IA, project managers, animators, and 3d specialists to create. Check it out here.
I’m thrilled to announce that it won an FWA last Monday, April 6th! Hopefully this is a good sign and indication of a successful campaign that resonates with all who see it.
I also recommend checking out the HF3 MSN Messenger games that Sapient created with Microsoft. Microsoft said they pushed the boundaries of the platform and the multi-player experience is pretty amazing.
We’ve got some more stuff in the cooker, but you’ll just have to wait till it launches.